Feel free to contact us with any question you may have. We look forward to meeting you!
Office Phone (call): 1-506-327-6909
Office email: office@cccm.church
If you would like to make a donation, there are a number of ways that you can give: Interac E-Transfer, Cheque, and an In-Person. If you have questions or need help, please call 1-506-327-6909 or email our church treasurer, Debi Cunningham (debi@cccm.church).
Interac e-Transfer
Interac e-Transfer allows you to send money safely from your bank account directly to the church in an instant. Using your bank’s website or mobile app select Interac e-Transfer. Send contributions to the email etransfer@cccm.church. There is no need to select a password as we have automatic deposit set up, so once you hit send we get the funds almost immediately.
If you want to give to a designated fund, please specify that in the optional message field. Any unspecified funds will be allocated to the church’s general offerings.